Pan de muerto
3 panes.
- farine: 500g
- sucre: 100g
- lait: 190 ml
- cac de levure: 12g
- 4 oeufs
- 1/2 c. à café de sel
- 1 c. à soupe de zeste d'orange
- 2 c. à café de fleur d'oranger
- 200 g de beurre froid coupé en dés
Start the yeast:
- Put the yeast in a bowl.
- Add 3 tbsp of flour + 1 tbsp sugar.
- Add the milk at 43c gradually and mix well.
- Cover and let rest in a warm location for 20 minutes.
Prepare the orange zest.
Dump the flour in a bowl.
Add the sugar and salt.
Dump the yeast in the center of the flour.
Add one egg to the yeast and mix well before adding the next one.
When the flour is integrated, add the butter piece by piece.
When the butter is integrated, add the orange zest.
Keep on working the dough to give it strength. Try not to add flour. The dough is ready when it doesn't stick to your hands or to the countertop too much and the window pane test passes.
Add a bit of oil to a large bowl and dump the dough in the bowl. Add a bit of oil on top of the dough. Cover it.
Let rest until doubled in size. (1h-2h)
- Dump the dough on a counter-top and give a longer/cylindrical shape, and divide the dough in 4 equal parts.
- Roll 3 pieces in boules, keeping the seem at the bottom and set them on a baking tray, on parchment paper.
- Using the 4th piece, add a bit of flour and mix, then flatten it and divide it in 9 parts to decorate the buns.
- For each bun, mark a large cross with a wet brush, and stick the extra dough on it.
- Let rest for 1 hour.
- Bake at 170 for 25-30 minutes.
- Let cool a little. Brush the buns with melted butter. Cover in sugar.