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Chocolate cheesecake

  • 15cm Round shaped mold
  • Dark Chocolate (55% Equatorial Noir): 80g
  • Heavy cream:100g
  • Cream cheese:120g
  • Whole egg L:1pc
  • Granulated sugar:35g
  • Corn starch:10g
  • Graham biscuits:60g
  • Unsalted butter:36g
  1. Apply salad oil or butter inside the mold, set the pattern and apply butter inside
  2. Finely crush the biscuits and mix the melted butter into a mold
  3. Chop the chocolate and put it in a bowl.
  4. Bring the cream to a boil and pour it on the chocolate and mix until melted.
  5. In a separate bowl, knead and soften the cream cheese.
  6. Put the whole egg in a separate bowl, sift the granulated sugar and cornstarch, and mix well until there are no lumps.
  7. Put in the cheese in the egg mixture and add the chocolate cream and mix each time.
  8. Pour mixture in the mold through a strainer.
  9. 170° preheated 30-35.